Hey Guys!

So last Thursday I went to a book signing with my friend Viv and my friend Ginger who I hadn't seen in a VERY long time! It was so nice to finally be able to catch up with her. The signing was at our local Barnes and Noble at the Americana in Glendale. I was really excited to go for two reasons. First I had LOVED Stacey's first book Juliet Immortal and had been desperately waiting for my local library to get a copy of the sequel in. And Second, I had yet to go to a book signing at my local Barnes which I have practically lived at since they opened 5 years ago.

So Viv and I got there about and hour or so early to purchase our books and get good seats. I was very sad to see that there were only a handful of people who showed up for the signing. I am starting to notice this being a trend with Thursday signings. But regardless of this we still had a really good time and were able to have an intimate conversation with the author.

Stacey was so hilarious and go gracious and absolutely ADORABLE! She did not let the fact that very few people showed up discourage her and made the most of the signing for the people that had showed up. She began to tell us about how she came up with the idea of Juliet Immortal and Romeo redeemed. For those of you who have not read Juliet Immortal is an interesting twist on the classic Romeo and Juliet. I will add links to Goodreads for you guys to check them out.

Stacey also had another book coming out this summer, called Of Beast and Beauty, which will be another interesting twist on the original story, with the beast, actually being the girl! Stacey gave an interesting quote that I want to share with all of you. She said that she liked to take classic stories that we all knew and grew up with and add a "humanist and feminist" twist to them. Since those words stuck with me since the signing I decided to incorporate them into this months giveaway:

1) Follow this blog via either NetworkBlogs or Google Friend Connect
2) Tell me if you could rewrite a classic story, how would you change it and why? This is a trend that we are starting to see that I am LOVING! I loved Cinder and Juliet Immortal and am anxious to read more!
3) Extra Credit will be those who bring followers to my blog. Make sure to have your friends tell me in there comment who sent them to my blog!
4) Lastly make sure to include your email address so I can contact you in your win!

CONTEST WILL BE OVER: Thursday, April 11th at 11:59pm


  1. New follower on networked blogs and gfc - sarah elizabeth :)
    I would rewrite rapunzel and have her rescue people using her hair, and rather than being a traditional prisoner in a tower i would have her imprisoned metaphorically or something :)
    Have done a blog post for you:


    1. Wow thank you so much for the shout out on your blog! Rapunzel will be a good idea for a re-telling. Have you heard that Marissa Meyer is working that in to her CInder Series? I am really looking fwd to seeing how she does that!

  2. Lovely giveaway! May I ask if it is open INT? :)
    New follower on GFC (Raluca P.) - Brought here by Sarah Elizabeth

    1. hello! Thank you for commenting! Yes this giveaway is open INT! =)

  3. Thanks! I follow via GFC using username: Darith L.
    I would rewrite Beauty and the Beast. I'd make Belle be a hunter, you know, a bad-ass probably a protector of her villege or something. :D

  4. I follow you via GFC with the name: Anna.
    My E-mail:

    I think that I would love to rewrite The Little Mermaid from a modern perspective, using the original Hans Christian Andersen source material. Even though it gives me a serious sad. :() Thank you for the giveaway and I love the pic with you, your friends and Stacey Jay! I will admit to loving Romeo Redeemed and I think she has such interesting ideas explored in her books.

    1. Oooh that sounds good! I have yet to read the original but I hope to get to it soon! :) Thank for the comment and for the follow!

  5. I follow via GFC Lu & Google+ LAWonder10.
    I would not have Alice in Wonderland go to ll the extremes
    she did. Some were convenient- meant to each an important lesson
    - but others were nonsensical. Curiosity is good to a point.
    Being different sizes can give appreciation for others out of
    proportion with peers but other instances really had no teaching

    1. Hello thank you for the comment and the follow :)

  6. I follow GFC Justine Bowman.
    I would do The Princess and the Pea because it hasn't been done before but it would have a paranormal twist.
    My email is
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    1. Hi! That would be a great story! Thank you for the comment and for the follow! And that is such a gorgeous Icon pic :)

  7. I would like to see the Frog Prince redeemed. Can't the Prince be some animal other than a frog?
    I follow in Goodreads as HD and follow with Google +

    1. Hi thank you for the comment and the follow. Have you heard of or read Echanted by Alethea Kontis? That is re-telling which includes the Front Prince :)

  8. I would love to see Emily Bronte's book Wuthering Heights retold. Specifically I would want Catherine to be less cruel, Heathcliff to be less obsessive/crazy, and for them to find happiness together. It would be great if it were in a modern setting, and maybe if they were meeting in rehap/psych hospital and working through their issues together.

    I'm very excited about this giveaway. Thanks :)

  9. The fairy tale I would rewrite, The Princess and The Dragon, having the dragon slayer being female, saving a prince from the wrath of a dragon, and they end up married.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am following as Michael J Gardner. My Daughter would love this for a present. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. This is Michael Gardner again, I missed the rest of the giveaway rules somehow, so if you would combine this with the following as Michael J Gardner. The story I would like to change would actually be a combo of Little Red Ridding Hood and Cinderela, where it is more of that they are fighting for the love of the same man, a werewolf (which would be the wolf the first book), and the Prince from Cinderela is trying to gain the love of Cinderela, but she never sees him like that. There are so many ways you can cross the charactor's of both stories and even make the Prince have a secret that he is a Vampire. This would be a great YA book that you can even bring in a Urban theme to it and make it current day in a real US city. My email is mybigfatpugglepie[at]comcast[dot]net

    Thank you again for this great giveaway!


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