Review: Paper Towns by John Green + Giveaway

Title: Paper Towns
Author: John Green
Published: 09.22.09
Pages: 305
Acquired: Barnes & Noble
Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0


Who is the real Margo?

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs into his life—dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge—he follows. After their all-nighter ends, and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues—and they're for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer he gets, the less Q sees the girl he thought he knew...

My Review:
Like most book lovers, I knew I had to read Paper Towns before it came out in the theaters and I purchased it a few weeks before the movie was supposed to come out. Paper Towns ending up being a book that being two new firsts for me. 1 - It was a book that the hype did not leave up to the expectations for me and 2- It was a book where for once I enjoyed the movie more then the book. I never thought I'd ever say that, but in this case it was true.  

Paper Towns was the second John Green book for me, the first being Fault In Our Stars, which I absolutely loved. So I went into Paper Towns expecting to be just as moved and touched by the story and the characters as I was with TFIOS. But unfortunately for me it didn't happen. I struggled with the story line and in fact it left me in kind of reading slump. So much so that I went to the see the movie last weekend with only having read half of the book read. I was blown away from the movie. I laughed, I cried, I re-lived high school memories and went home eager to dive back in to the book. If I was so moved by the movie, then I was bound to be sucked back in to the story line. But that didn't happen. In fact I found myself skimming the last half of the book and even when I got to the important scene in the end of the book, it felt rushed and forced and with no closure as you found in the end of the movie. 

I'm not sure why I couldn't resonate with the book like other could. But I do know that this won't be my last John Green back and that I am determined to give this other books a try and I am hoping I enjoy them as much as I did TFIOS. 

As I don't see foresee myself re-reading Paper Towns, I am giving it away in the hopes that one fo you will read and love it more then I did!


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Review: Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot + Giveaway!

Title: Meg Cabot
Series: The Princess Diaries #11
Published: 06.02.15
Pages: 435
Acquired: Purchased Barnes & Noble
Rating: 3.5 out of 5


From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Princess Diaries series, comes the very first adult installment, which follows Princess Mia and her Prince Charming as they plan their fairy tale wedding—but a few poisoned apples could turn this happily-ever-after into a royal nightmare.

For Princess Mia, the past five years since college graduation have been a whirlwind of activity, what with living in New York City, running her new teen community center, being madly in love, and attending royal engagements. And speaking of engagements. Mia's gorgeous longtime boyfriend Michael managed to clear both their schedules just long enough for an exotic (and very private) Caribbean island interlude where he popped the question! Of course Mia didn't need to consult her diary to know that her answer was a royal oui.

But now Mia has a scandal of majestic proportions to contend with: Her grandmother's leaked "fake" wedding plans to the press that could cause even normally calm Michael to become a runaway groom. Worse, a scheming politico is trying to force Mia's father from the throne, all because of a royal secret that could leave Genovia without a monarch. Can Mia prove to everyone—especially herself—that she's not only ready to wed, but ready to rule as well?

My Review:

I have to admit that I have never read any of the other books in this series. But I was a fan of the movies when I was younger so I decided to give it a go. After reading some heavier books this last couple of weeks, I wanted to pick up something light and fun and quick read. This book definitely was light and fun, but I didn't realize it was 400 pages! Adult paperbacks can be misleading! 

Almost immediately when I started this book I was taken back to the Disney movie! Yes you shouldn't compare the movies to the book, but since it was my only form of reference to this story I couldn't help it. I couldn't help but picture a young Anne Hathaway and Dame Julie Andrews! But alas shortly after I was disappointed to find that some of the characters I really enjoyed from the movies either did not have as big of a part or their characters were completely differently. Book Clarice (Juile Andrews) character is not as warm and loving as she is in the movie. And Lily Mia's best friend doesn't have as big of a role as I would have liked. 

This story was told in the form on journal entries, text messages and e-mails. A from of writing that I am really starting to enjoy. Even though story telling through the form of journal entries was sometimes choppy I never felt like we were missing anything in the over-all story plot. 

There were three main plot-twists and two of were ones that I saw coming mile away and the predictability took some of the excitement away from the story. One of the plot twists was just blatantly thrown in there with a clue that was frankly so out of place that I doubt anyone reading this story missed it. 

Lastly the main aspect that made give this book only an average rating was the fact that even though the book is titled "Royal Wedding" the wedding in and out of its self for only a minor arch in the over-all story plot. This book was one I enjoyed but one that I will probably not-reread of have stand out in the long list of books involving a royal story line. 

So because I don't believe that this is a book I will ever re-read I am giving my copy of away! So enter away! 

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